Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Recently there's been alot of news about large proportion of women unaware of the dangers of ovarian cancer. Apparently, majority of the women surveyed had no idea that pap smears do not screen for ovarian cancer (they are for cervical cancer only, btw) and many did not know the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer usually occurs in women above the age of 60, but occurs in young women as well (although rarely, they its often the fiercest form of cancer?)

So why do I say I'm feeling paranoid? They've been advertising on the papers & tv about the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer so much, that I think I actually have a few of them. Some of the symptoms that I can remember off hand include bloatedness, abdominal pain, weight changes, change in bowel/urinary habits... Of the 5 common symptoms, I already have 4. Darn... it doesnt help that these symptoms are soooo common. Damnnnn paranoid now. Plus I remember last year I heard that this asian gal, one year younger than me got ovarian cancer, underwent chemo and lost alot of hair. Worried about my crowning glory as well now. How...


Xiaohui said...

woman u're fine dun be silly!

LaM said...

if u're worrying about ovarian cancer. u should worry about a lot more other diseases.

gotta detach yourself from what u're learning, or u'll end up spending every living second thinking about dying. =p

go through this in your head " i'm indestructable"