Its been eons since I last had a proper entry, I can see cobwebs forming at the corners of this webpage. No pictures for this entry because I havent been out at all, no pictures to show. Sigh, I know I'm boring, but I'll be HAPS after exams... I know it!
Anyway, I need to lament about my boring life. This year really flew by real quick, mainly because I'm buried under tons and tons of assignments. Sometimes it can be a real dread and I just wish the assignments can just miraculously write themselves, but of coz, it doesnt work that way. Most of the time, I feel so fortunate that I am given this opportunity to change my career path, to do something that I actually enjoy. I hope that at the end of this course I'll get offered a scholarship to do PhD or something, or offered a dream job that'll make my life more interesting! Heh, all the big dreams... Oh well, doesnt hurt to dream does it?
Can't wait for the semester to end, then I'll have a long break, catch up with all my peeps back in Singapore and the weather in sunny Singapore!!!