Sunday, November 16, 2008


yes... i did silly stuff to my hair AGAIN...

tired of my long tresses... i've decided to snip it off! and NO... its not a recurrent issue... when hair is long, you cut!


step 1: cut the hair..

step 2: colour the hair...


the picture doesn't do justice to my purple hair...

i love the purple streaks... its like peek-a-boo... one minute you see it, the next you don't!

this hairstyle reminds me of my jc days... ahh those innocent and carefree days... my head feels light.. hurhur


Mike said...

You are one of the blessed few to be able to look good in either long or short hair.

Haha..the envy of most girls i'm sure.

Liyan said...

wah... heheh... thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

eh...INNOCENT...sure or not?