Got this off Joanna's blog, I'm really really bored...
Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head.Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do the survey.
1. Xiaohui
2. Gaoster
3. Lampee
4. Lixuan
5. Dean
6. Karen Hay
7. Yiling
8. Kailing
9. Jon Kong
10. Dexter MJ
11. Dotty
12. Diana
13. Nicholas
14. Jeremy
15. Keen
16. Charlotte
17. Junhan
18. Kevin
19. Joyce Tan
20. Marabelle
1. How did you meet number 14?
Knew him as "prom king" back in HCJC, now I know him as ah Hu's bf
2. What would you do if you had never met Number 1?
Can't imagine that, one of my best friends! Without her I wouldnt have met Gaoster, Lampee and all the AC peeps! I love my ah Hu!!
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Hmmm, it would be pretty cool, I think they would make a great couple, that is if they ever meet!
4. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Ha! Nope... 6 is attached and what's more both 6 & 17 are shy ppl, nah.. impossible...
5. Describe no.3.
One of my best friends, stupid Gao thinks that we'll get together just cos we're both in Adelaide.. GROW UP gao! Lampee is a super nice guy, he treats all his friends well and his gf even better! He's stuck in Adelaide doing a Medicine degree, I think he can't wait for his 4.5 here to end!
6. Do you think No.8 is attractive?
Of coz, all her bfs lurrrve her to bits!
7. Tell me something about No.7.
One of my best friends from NYGH, funky, fun and haps!
8. Do you know anything about no.12's family?
Diana's the only child, but she's got lots of cousins to keep her company
9. What is no.20's favorite?
I have no idea... Dancing?
10.What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
Ha.. I already know she lurrrrrves me... Right Dotty? =P
11. What language does 15 speak?
Errr... English, and very broken Mandarin
12. Who is 9 going out with?
No idea, he's constantly out flirting with gals... Maybe he's single now...
13. How old is 16 now?
22, turning 23 in December..
14. When was the last time u talked to 13?
Woah... I think last December when I was back in SGP
15. Who's 2's favorite singer?
Eh.. Dunno leh, any gal singer who's super thin & have no boobs? =P
16. Would you date number 4?
Noooo, I'm straight...
17. Would you date 18?
Yeah, dated him years ago...
18. Is 15 single?
19. What's 10's last name?
20. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 19?
I'm straight la...
21. What schools does 3 go to?
Some primary school in Hong Kong, then ACS (I) then ACJC, then NUS for one sem, then now Adelaide Uni Med School
22. Where does 18 live?
Seng Kang
23. What's your favorite thing about number 5?
Witty comments!
Tag: Ah Hu, Gao, Kailing, Joyce & Dean! (dean go start a blog!)