Sunday, November 23, 2008

busy saturday

it was a hectic saturday! totally busy from morning till night...

the day started by babysitting the newest addition to our family... my baby nephew JX! he's sick... coughing really bad and everytime he coughs, his whole face turns red and he starts tearing... awwww.... our hearts ache when we see him suffering like that...

mum and i took him to see a doctor and he was given some meds... the meds made him very drowsy and sleepy as you can see from the pics that follow... so cute!

"grrrr... when is it my turn to see the doctor...."

"don't steal my milk!"

"i want to sleeeeeppppppp..."

gd night sweetie =)

my entire afternoon was then spent in church.. for those who dunno.. i've decided to go to timor this december for a short mission trip. it's my first time doing something like this and i'm really excited and looking forward to it... experiencing a new culture and of cos, spreading God's love :)

the church organised training sessions for us to teach us some basic language and to give us some insight to the country, in case its too much of a culture shock to us.. heh... we the overly pampered generation...

evening and late into the night was spent with the flying pig and king kong as we battled it out in a few games of war craft... since its been a while since i last saw them, we decided to "catch up" while playing lan games... wow.. i think its been years since i last played dota... eh gao and friends.. when are we dota-ing again? let's reminiscence the good ol' days leh! hehehe....

dota leh!!!


Gaothebao said...

OWNING!!!!! GODLIKE!!!!!!!! hahaha

Liyan said...


i'll draw FIRST BLOOD...

dota leh... :P