Saturday, June 23, 2007

End of Wk 5 placement

Yay, weekend again!

Today marks the end of Week 5 of my clinical placement. Its been a depressing week really. Somehow I havent been performing up to standard and its really disappointing. On a positive note, I was able to identify my own weaknesses and find ways to improve on them. But there are some things which I know I havent been doing well and until week 5, I'm still not doing it well. I hate it when I have to repeat things to people, so I try not to let people repeat things to me. I understand how frustrating it can be for the other person, but now I'm guilty of that too. Very often I find that my supervisor has to keep repeating the advice to me over and over again because they just dont seem to be registering. Sad...

One of my solutions for this lousy week is to have a good rest, and go back to work on Monday fully recharged and ready to fire. So I started off Friday night with Dex & Kong for dinner & movie.

We caught this movie "Deathproof" which Dex said was highly recommended by his friend. I wonder if his friend was playing a trick on him or something cos' I thought that movie was absolutely crap. The initial part of the movie was grossly vivid (especially a part on a car crash where the girl's leg flew off the body) while the second part of the plot was simply silly. Kong said his 3 year old cousin could have written the plot! That's how simple and predictable the plot was.... Anyway... the only good thing about the movie was perhaps the stunning chicks. They employed many pretty girls for the cast, which made the movie looked kinda sleazy at the beginning. So much for a good start to the weekend huh! But I shall not complain too much since I didn't have to pay for the tickets! haha! Thanks Kong.........

The crash scene I hate...

The stupid car which is "death proof"

The 4 chicks that make the show bearable...

Apologies for the tiny pictures & tiny words. I promise I'll change the layout once my clinical placement finishes! Thanks for your patience =)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Updates, updates...

I've become too lazy to update this blog. Hur hur... You see, everyday after I come back from work, I'll be soooo tired that I can only find the energy to eat, watch tv then sleep. So, please bear with me for the next 6 weeks!

I've been trying add this "twitter" program to my blog, but it seems that blogger is having some problem with the google adsense thingy, so I can't seem to update my template at all! This is really annoying!

Now, back to my placement update... Heh, feeling very random today. Anywayz... For those who remember, there are 3 stages to my placement, I need to pass all 3 in order to pass the placement. This week was assessment week, & thankfully, I passed stage 1. Yay! Stage 2 assessment is 3 weeks from now. Which means I have to up my standard/performance within 3 weeks. Stressed! To all out there, please pray for me! :P

Nothing much to blog about because I practically spent this weekend at home, resting... (old ppl need to rest more! hurhur)

Some pictures from a few weeks back. Went to Gaothebao's house to chill couple of weeks ago & played with his Macbook. Some camera function that can distort the frame. Anywayz, its really funny & cute!

Normal picture

Ah hu's an alien!!

I look like a cockroach...

3 fatties...

Okay, we're back to normal :P

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Showdown - Federer vs. Nadal

The Ultimate Showdown...

The finals of the French Open is finally here... I've been following the tournament almost every night and I can't wait for the ultimate showdown! For those who don't know much about tennis, Federer is the current top player and Nadal is the young teen chasing close behind his heels. Nadal is also one of few people who has a positive head-to-head statistic against Federer.

The Genius - Roger Federer
The press sometimes calls him the "magician" because he can whip up a winner from any corner of the court! I personally love his classic backhand :)

King of Clay - Rafael Nadal
This man has got the longest winning streak on clay - the surface on which the French Open is played on. Also known for his "brute" strength. I personally call him the guy who "likes to tug his pants (near the butt)" hurhur...

My pick?


Federer has won too many titles. Don't be selfish! :P

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Don't Quit

Have you ever been so scared and nervous that all you do is just to take deep breaths?
Have you ever been so stressed out that you breathe so hard your chest hurts?

I have. That was all I felt the whole of Monday.

Everyone tells me to relax, don't be so stressed out, don't think too much about what others say/think. But... its really hard. When I say I think I really might not be able to make it through this placement, everyone reassures me that I can. Can I really? I don't usually doubt myself or my capability. But I ask myself this question almost everyday.

I like this poem (stole this from a friend's blog!), helps to keep my head up a little, just above the water...

Don't Quit (Author unknown)
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill.
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down abit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learn.
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace is slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
Its when things go wrong that you must NOT QUIT!

Many thanks to all who take time to listen to me rant! Especially Xiaohu, Gao & Joanna - who offered a crying shoulder at work.. awww thanks :)