Monday, February 05, 2007


Yay yay yay! Tmr's going to be cool! And I mean temperature cool, heh. Tmr's going to be a cool 27 degrees! Its been a week since the scorching heat had visited this lil city.

Anyways, I realised that I've been going through this bout of mood swings, which explains my incessant ramblings and grumbles on this blog. But, I'm feeling happier now. I don't know if its the company I got this weekend or the 5 non-stop episodes of prison break I've watched or the whole weekend of just doing nothing. I guess its a lil of everything?

Anyway, there's this post on Mike's (shrek) blog on his depression episodes, which I thought was pretty interesting. For guys who never understood how girls felt when they were cranky, maybe you should have a read and learn a lil from this sensitive new age guy!

Work today was pretty alright, least I had, and knew what to do. Kept me occupied the whole day. I've written a list of things to do tmr at the office, but I doubt it'll keep me busy the entire day. Oh well, since tmr's going be such a fine day, I shant complain and I'll look on the bright side of things =)

Enough for today, time for a facial to treat myself =P


LaM said...

mood swing does not make you a depressed person. more of a bipolar.

The real clinical definition of depression is 5 out of 9 of the following symptom:

o Depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday, as indicated by either subjective report or observation
o Marked diminished interest or pleasure in activities
o Significant weight loss or weight gain in a month (5% body weight) or increased/decrease in appetite
o Insomnia or hypersomnia
o Psychomotor agitation or retardation
o Fatigue or loss of energy
o Feeling of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
o Diminished ability to think or concentrate nearly everyday
o Recurrent thoughts of death

of which i've swept like 7. woohoo.

Liyan said...

well.. I scored 5/9.... i'm depressive too?