This week has been crazy, I've never been so busy here before. And the stupid thing is, I'm busy doing rubbish. Monday was spent cleaning up the house and cooking for 6 meals, Tuesday school and volleyball, Wednesday school and frisbee, Thursday school and late night shopping at Marion and Friday school and grocery shopping in the city. Gosh, all not important, yet I spend so much time in all these activities leaving myself no time to do revision.
There was a major storm on Tuesday night. It was as if Katrina from New Orleans travelled all the way to Adelaide. Okay, exaggerating. But it was scary. The roof was creaking, the chairs on the balcony fell, the windows looked as if it was gonna break and the news weather report said to stay indoors. Wow, never experienced this before, kinda exciting but kinda scary too coz the infrastructure of the buildings here are made of wood and it feels like the builidng was gonna fly away anytime. The temperature also plunged from 20 to like 5 degrees, and despite the warning to stay indoors, we gals still went on to play volleyball at the school gym. My housemates were horrified when they saw me all ready to go out. They said I'd be blown away by the wind. Haha, but I made it back alive.
Wednesday's frisbee training lasted for 4 hours. The school team was supposed to play a friendly game against Adelaide Uni, but somehow it was postponed. I'm quite disappointed, I thought make use of this game to take photos of the frisbee people and show my friends the cute guys in the team. Guess my friends and I have to wait for another week then. I felt awkward during training when Shane was around. I could see that he was trying to start conversations with me and I didn't know how to react. My first instinct was to give him one word answers and simply walk away. I hope he gets the hint, otherwise I dunno what to do to let him know I'm not interested without offending him. Urgh..
Late night shopping at Marion was good. The shopping itself wasn't that fantastic thou. Dunno why they call it "LATE NIGHT" when the shops actually close at 9pm. The term "late night" back in SGP meant that the shops close at midnight. Vast difference. Anyway I bought some clothes in preparation for spring, can't wait to wear them when the temperature rises here! We missed the bus to go back, the buses here run on a strict time table. After 6pm, the buses only run on an hourly basis, so missing the bus meant that we gals have to wait an hour for the next bus. As it turns out, because we missed the bus, we had to go back to the shopping centre to kill the next hour (coz its too cold to wait outside) and lucky for me, I bumped into my eye candy from the medical school! Yay! Apparently he was there to do some fund raising thing for the pediatrics department. Then I realised my friend knows his friend, so I found out some stuff about him. His name is Jimmy, he's a first year medical student, he's from Canada and he is of mixed parentage (Thai & Chinese). But, I saw that he's wearing a ring. Like which guy will wear ring for no reason? So I guess he's attached, damned.. Bad luck for me!
I bumped into Jimmy again on Friday at the medical centre. He was counting the money he collected the night before at the lounge and I happened to be there for lunch. Initially, only his friend and him were in the lounge room together with Dawn and I. So I thought I could try and start a conversation, but in less than 3o mins, the entire lounge room seem to be flooded with medical students all joining in their conversation. Damn it!! The coward me eventually left the place without speaking to him. =(
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