Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I miss my ah hu...

I just read ah hu's blog again. And I actually teared while reading one paragraph written to me. Sigh, I miss ah hu and the days when we meet up ever so often for suppers at fong seng. The days when we just talked rubbish, the times when she's comforted me when I was upset, her silly princessy actions and of course, the times she's made me laugh. Especially now when I'm pms-ing, I miss her even more.

I liked what she said: "life's such an irony. the more u want something, the more it won't happen. it's like murphy's law. i think we should just sit back and relax instead of actively searching; the more u expect the greater are the chances of being disappointed. it's when u least expect it then u'll find urself enjoying the moment when it actually happens." how true and how meaningful. I'll take her advice, as of now I'll be concentrating on my studies here, not think so much and hopefully can score a few more high Ds at the end of the semester. I believe and will continue to believe that good things are worth waiting for.

Tomorrow will be a Better day!

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