Sunday, February 12, 2006

Goodbye to thick, bushy hair...

Sobs, I think I'm balding.. BOOHOO...

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I seriously have a hair problem. I was tying my hair the other day and I suddenly realised that the hair on one side is thinner than the other. I totally freaked out! And today, I went to the hairdresser's and he too agreed that one patch is thinner than the other. According to him, the thinning of my hair is caused by the constant parting of my hair along the same line. And so, he suggested that I change the parting from the original side (which is to the right) to the other (now its to the left). He says I dont have to worry too much about it cos gals seldom "bald" at such a young age, so PHEW... But I think I look weird with the different parting. Maybe I'm just not used to it...

I went back to NUS for some Chinese New Year reunion with the Food Science department. It was kinda enjoyable catching up with all the classmates whom I havent met in ages. I kinda envy those who already started working, they look so different, more mature, they even have an air of financial stability... hur hur... I'm looking forward to completing my studies and embark on the never ending journey of working life! (Gulp.. really??)

Anyway here are some pictures I took from the party.

This is the Yu Sheng prepared by my batch. It has got the word FU written in the centre with crackers, a bit abstract, a bit hard to see (use your imagination!!!), a bit... COOL... I mean VERY cool...

My buddies from Food Sci, the gals who went through thick and thin with me! Er okay, I'm being drama here... (Me, Karen, Dean)

More beauties from Food Sci! hur hur.. From left: Me! Charlotte, who's gonna join me in Adelaide in July, Dawn and Elaine

Alvin Loo, class genius and Prof Zhou's son. Smart people attract one another, I didnt know such innate ability is so well developed at such a tender age!

Er... Me, showing off my huge muscles! (obviously fake...)

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